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( domain control program )
As referenced here, DCP is a set of system agents that attempt conversational support for the construction and operation of domain spaces. ¹ DCP engages in constructive query oriented discourse with the three main classes of domain agents, consumers, developers and operators all of whom are AKPERSONs, but administrative and imperative discourse is restricted to developers and operators. For all users it communicates central system level messages. Agents with less than tx-authentication are not differentiated other than as possibly distinct individuals at a station or device.
What is a Domain?
There are two distinct but related senses in which this word is relevant here. Firstly, it refers to a so-called domain of discourse, what a particular conversation is broadly about. Secondly, it refers to the name system of the internet and what are called domain names. DCP connects these two senses by providing knowledge engineering support for the first and agent operations controlling the base OS (MCP) and DNS/EPP level for the second. At this time there are two kinds of domains, Applications (of computer hardware and software) and Groups (of AKPERSONs) that normal users of the system can create. Live domains are informed by two kinds of knowledge sources (KS). A purported fact from some external KS is called "public knowledge"6) while a internal KS is called "intrinsic knowledge" or "situational common sense".

Paths to the DCP and DXE (domain controlled / trained english)

The help link in sameboats, a tab in the commons app, as well as the default front page for logged in sameboat users all link or embed in some form access to the DCP agents. DCP discourse with small form factor devices is a subset of that on a desktop. Agent interaction with clients is based on internet relay chat conventions and some agents may be present in irc networks. In external networks agent operation is generally muted as preemptive compliance with those networks policies except where voiced on a channel by channel basis by the chanops.

Domain Space KEE

From the wild, besides the main desktop there are also landings on the boot KEE in the small form factor app 4 for DevOps knowledge engineer access.

Content suppressed in the wild

Group Semantics

DCP actively participates in the construction of Sameboat Popular Groups, their taxonomies, knowledge bases (KB), and supporting computing elements (cf. ontology ) .

If you are logged in you can select a path from the prior heading for this purpose. DCP will not discuss existing private domains (or groups) with anonymous users unless a responsible AKPERSON has authorized it. ³

Is DCP a LLM or does it use an LLM?

No, DCP is not a LLM, but it does use them both constructed from scratch and 3rd party services such as DeepSeek as configurable choice points of integration with commercial models. DCP is not limited to so-called machine learning models and is not limited in use of them to those products. These services are used in domain construction and maintenance but are ancillary to DS KEE discourse. DS Operators and DevOps users may use thier own accounts with such 3rd party services as Gemini and ReALM, our native default analogous to jitsi for videotelephony is DeepSeek. In core DS use of system accounts for these is on an entitlement level basis.

When will the DCP be in a finished state?

When I become stopped presuming it doesn't survive me, if it does who knows? But the boot KEE will quite early reach a de-facto proven production level and the system will develop incrementatal layers of generic/architectural KB. First, I don't intend any particular implementation of the cog arch to be permanent so long as it's a pure software system. Second on several levels this is a system of continuous learning and improvement. It would not be appropriate for it to be considered to be anything other than development unstable, in analogy to a living rather than a dead codeset.

The opposite is the case for the KBs² it produces. These will move thru normal cycles of change and stability and we are committed to forward compatibility with any future DCP, subject to a possible required migration procedure, of archived knowlegebases.

Even KBs should be thought of as product lines subject to change and growth as a rule with at most forward compatibility albeit with conserved cores, again by analogy to a living intelligence.
¹ Traditionally, a generic real time Expert System, other terms such as Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) System are appropriate and a mix of different paradigms constitute the provisional cog arch.
² As files in standard formats such as RDF. These may be worked in other tool frameworks and are supported relative to a given DCP/MCP version (i.e. a LSB, compilers and libs)
3,4 Content suppressed in the wild.