About Sameboat DNS
Knowledge of what DNS is assumed below
Name service is bundled with other basic services, with quotas and some restrictions, e.g Operator class entitlement is required to run a domain space. The DS versions of .dom, .com, .org, .edu and .gov are called the Kastalien TLDs. S class is sufficient to own a name while F class suffices to create a core space non-Kastalien TLD and tx-authenticated suffices to keep it routing.*
* .gov requires proof of org role and a tx-authenticated responsible AKPERSON but no priced entitlement required for the name service alone.
DS end users (non-O class), who may range from casual non-technical consumers to devops users, are not selling names and are not operating as either a registrar or registry. They may get and use domain spaces names and combine them with names from the regular public name system in our aux root to form private spaces without becoming domain space operators. Operators may may be peer registries, closed private TLDs, etc. To use a name gotten from a registry in the IANA public name system giving mixed private and public routing, you must be able to set its name servers to DS servers and delegate their management to the domain space DCP or manage them manually urself.
A simple test of the minimal degree of control on a given host is the ability to ping, e.g. sameboat.dom and reliably get a response from an alt server rather than only nameservers set by your ISP, help for which will be available eventually in the conversational help facility¹. Typically dhcp is a source of overrides/resets which need not be obstructive, however replacing dhcp with a static link to your ISP once the link parameters are known may be a brute force solution. DS augments rather replaces the public name system with a peer-peer extension and its smooth operation should make the difference largely transparent to authenticated users.
Non-devops users are only expected to understand the above about DNS. Like the interests mentioned above DS attempts to make augmenting public namespace with a private extension easy/simple including support by discursive agents that will talk you thru the needed actions.
Ultimately, unless it is done for you, to use an alt/aux name system, you will have to exercise control of your namespace which may seem to be blocked by your existing network provider layering. At some level this is very simple, most users are unaware of the name system and even technical users generally take it for granted. This simplicity is partly real, at least at the end user level, and partly an illusion created by various interests to give you a seamless experience of the internet. The reality of efforts to control your namespace will become apparent once you try to control it yourself, unfortunately there's no single point of control to set, or even a scope, that will allow you this control in a clean and simple way. For example most (but not all) browsers will try to establish control even if you have made a name pingable at the command line in the browsers host OS. Fortunately, applications in general will operate as expected once you've made a name available at the OS level. We attempt to make as easy as possible but you need to be aware of the real situation or you should probably avoid alt name spaces all together and rely on control of your namespace by the powers that be. Those powers include us if you use our systems and we insure that core space names are available to our provisioned hosts and deployed apps.
The Domains CMS Network and Name Space
suffix rotation to .network from .live occurred in Nov 2022
- Nodes are first level subdomains, canonically the geonode's, e.g. ord.
- Other names are allocated FCFS with some names reserved by the central system .
- System reserved name restrictions will in general be a lesser effect than that of commercial and jurisdictional squatting in the public system.
Name Ownership
These services are available per entitlement to AKPERSONs:
- Get a zone in .dom, .com or .org not already taken in core DS or reserved by agreement with a peering Operator.
- Management of their zones, including both DS private and those of common public registries such as those of ICANN/IETF.
- Management of DNS functions on Linux, MacOS or Windows hosts by DCP.
These extended services are bundled with various priced offerings:
- Use domain engineering functions that presume DNS ownership.
- Operate some enterprise or organization as an application of the system social network.
Namespace Operations
AKPERSONs with Operator entitlement can run their own registry or act as a registrar. This includes operation of a peered or autonomous DCP. Optionally they may ...
- Use O-Class level domain knowledge engineering functions as they are rolled out.
- Operate as a registrar in core spacee, reserving a set of TLDs. In doing so they are on a par with F class users who may claim a name first. Peering Operator cooperative route .dom and the the other 4 basic Kastalien TLDs. .
- Manually control their registry. I have adapted the Czech national DNS (FRED) for domain space and DCP use and this is normaly transparent to users and completely DCP managed without access to FRED. Most registrars will want to avoid the burden of managing the FRED software and just use their licensed DCP.
Participation in core DS at whatever level is a bundled entitlement not a separately priced service. Core and Peer DS Operators are subject to oversight and in cases where overall health and integrity of greater DS could be negatively affected, this privilege can be withdrawn. Operators that cannot or do not wish to comply with its basic law should not consider peering with DS and operate with complete autonomy instead .
¹ web search on resolvconf should help on unix, the advice given in the pop-ups for KASTALIEN when you select thoughtcrime domain on the README may suffice.