Sameboat Nodes

Design Intent & Ops concept:

Each associated with an app such as the 'geonode', a metro region designated by its principal airport code(s) or an existing virtual community.
As a demonstration of but separable from DCP/MP continuously deploy a network of per app clusters for each based on my following infra

  • DCMS/CLiu
  • Popular Groups
  • Domain Space (DS)
  • The DS App Platform

Active Instances


      The original Auteur intends to operate these regional nodes:
  • bufyyz.sameboat ca-us synapse: WNY ( cattaraugus, chattauqua, erie, and niagara ), the GTA, with initial focus on the unified Niagara regions of New York & Ontario.
  • mvdeze.sameboat lax.sameboat, jfk.sameboat
  • ord.sameboat new chicago: fourteen counties in NE illinois, NW indiana, and SE wisconsin.
  • seayvr.sameboat central cascadia: king, kitsap, pierce and snohomish counties and the b.c. lower mainland.

Network Paas/SaaS

AKSAMBAR SKUs will be available after the above are stable for autonomous operators of network node concepts of their choice including geonode for which the maintenance of network standards are required to remain in the network but not to operate an receive updates for out of network deployments of their own. "STG" refers to my public development cluster (STG is actually an Alaska airport).

Historical Note

GeoNodes bear some thematic resemblance to Yahoo GeoCities, but now vs. what in the mid 90s was possible.
They weren't originally conceived as such and it's more or less incidental, unlike the purposeful homage in MCP.